Monday, 1 February 2016

TEDx Chandler Library - Four L's: Language, Learning, Literature and Linguistics

TEDx - Chandler Library

The Chandler Public Library hosted its first TEDx event. The "TEDx" events are "independent" TED events that are hosted across the globe that are then shard with the rest of the TED community. The "Four L's: Language, Literature, Linguistics and Learning" was the topic and it was wonderful. This was our first time attending such an event and we were excited to go and it didn't disappoint. The TEDx consisted of six in-person speakers and three video presentations, each about 15 minutes in length presented their topics. The overlapping presentations looked at how language choices can be reflective of personal biases or used to judge others as well as how they relate to learning. The presenters were from academia, literature, a "hipster historian," and education. One of the takeaways was about the evolution of the Hashtag from it's Chinese roots where the symbology is related to the concept of "community" where how a society should be laid out in a grid where the center is where the community well should be located and the surrounding grid is where the towns people should build their houses. There are currently 3 more TEDx events in February at the Chandler Downtown Library. These are free events but do require registration. 

For more information about TED and TEDx check out

Its my Two Year AZFTM Blog Celebration!

Arizona Field Trip Mom Blog 2-Year Anniversary

We have had so much fun traveling and exploring. I look forward to another year of adventures and earned Girl Scout patches ... blogging all the way! Can't wait for the next year of adventures!
